Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hack... Hack.... Uh-Choooo... Happy New Year

Being sick for seven days lying on a couch has drained every bit of energy out of me. I mean come on give me a break walking down my stairs in the speed of a snail is taking a little too long. Then when I finally reach my car I have to sit and take short fast breathes while I can hear my heart beat out of my chest! I call this absolutely ridiculous and completely unacceptable! I may not be in great shape but I am begging the energy fairy to return it to me. I want it back and I want it back NOW.

So I spent Tuesday through Monday on a couch.... feeling like Satan was playing a miserable game with my life. It was like he was deciding whether I deserved an hour of not hacking all the mucus in the world or was losing my voice for two days enough torture??? Oh yes that is right. I lost my voice in the midst of my New Year's Eve. Yes I know I just said I spent numerous days on a couch but on New Year's Eve I decided that the sickness did not have a hold on me completely. So I spent the evening at my sister's place. She had family and friends over. Mucho fun. I took as much medicine as I could plus a five hour energy drink begging Satan to give me one evening of my vacation to celebrate a New Year... and Satan decided he would tease me... he gave me a few hours then poof my voice was gone! Uggghhhhhh! Now my family and friends will tell you I am definitely not one to be incapable of speaking.

How frustrating, but in the end I lived through it and I am back to work. I went to the doc yesterday she gave me medicine and miraculously I feel already ten times better. Except for this nasty cough that I have. Should have I gone to her sooner? I know that is what you are thinking, but I am me and I guess that is what happens when I am a stubborn jerk that thinks I can beat out this cold that really wasn't a cold and turned into a sinus infection.

Happy New Year!!!!

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