Monday, January 24, 2011

Time-outs VS. Spankings

This topic was discussed over the past weekend. This topic has now been added to THE LIST.  The List that should not be discussed in certain settings and the number one setting is while consuming cocktails. My List contains:

Women Vs Men
Children's Punishment

Uggghhhhh what a topic it is.  So here we go.... do you believe that children should be punished verbally or physically or maybe even both?

Here is my opinion and please remember that this is my opinion. I think there are steps in punishing children. I will go ahead and answer the question that is going through parent's minds right now. NO, I do not have any children but please remember at one time I was a child so YES my opinion does matter.

Step 1 - Tell the child to stop, look them directly in the eyes and explain to child what is wrong with what they are doing, and most importantly the HARM that can come from what they are doing. (From experience: If you don't explain why I am being punished and what could happen if I continue on this path I will not understand why it is wrong) Do NOT yell from across the room. Stop being lazy get off your tush and do something about the issue.

Step 2 - Clearly identify the punishment if they do it again. Make sure they are listening and say for example: M if you pinch your sister again you will sit in time out for 15 min.  Do you understand me?

Step 3 - Child repeats the wrong doing parent reacts exactly as stated.  If the child does said issue again then back into time-out.  After so many times the child will realize that this punishment will happen again and again until he or she stops doing wrong.

That sounds like to me the right way to handle situations. It is the right way to stay patient with your child. So arguing whether the timeout is more sufficient than a spanking errrrrkkkks me.  Why in the world would a person not try the timeout before the pop on the tush? I get that there is multiple ways to teach your child between right and wrong.  I personally know people that had spankings and are completely fine, and I personally know people that were "spanked" that did not turn out fine. There is a huge difference between a spanking and a beating. I get that but why use violence at all if talking to your child works just as well.  Do not argue with me yes a swat to the butt is touching another human being using fear and motion which is defined as violence. Maybe not getting the crap kicked out of you violence but the fear violence. Depending on how you approach the spanking is how it affects you mentally as an adult.

I also heard one comment this weekend that was personally said, whoopee a timeout was never threatening at all as a child but a pop in the tush taught him a lesson to stop.  Is this a boy thing? I don't get how you can say being pulled from your toys, friends, TV, video game, sitting in a corner facing a wall for what seems like an eternity would be nothing.  I like to think that I am a pretty open person but really I don't get this statement nor do I believe this statement. Which makes me rethink and ask myself am I a close minded person.  Was this person molded out of fear?  Should children be feared into doing right?? What kind of life is that to live?? This person is a fine man. In fact he is a really great person. He turned out wonderfully.

So what does that tell me.....? It tells me absolutely nothing. 
It tells me that everyone has a right to their opinion.
It tells me that everyone parents just a little different.
It tells me that as a responsible adult you should marry someone with a similar belief.

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